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Master Web3 & Blockchain

The Future of Legal Practice Starts Here

The legal industry is evolving rapidly with Web3 and blockchain technology. Legal professionals must stay ahead of these changes to remain competitive and provide top-tier service to their clients. Our Web3 Mastery course is designed to equip you with essential skills and insights to navigate this new frontier confidently.

Why Choose Our Courses

Learn from Practitioners with Real-World Experience

Our instructors aren't just academics—they're seasoned professionals actively working in the Web3, blockchain, and legal tech industries. This means you'll gain insights and knowledge grounded in real-world applications and current industry practices. Our instructors bring their extensive experience and practical skills to the classroom, ensuring you get the most relevant and up-to-date education.

Flexible Learning Schedule

We understand that legal professionals have demanding schedules. That's why our courses are designed with flexibility in mind. Learn at your own pace, on your own time, without sacrificing your current commitments. Our online platform allows you to access course materials, lectures, and resources whenever it suits you best.

Connect with Leading Web3, and Blockchain Companies

We collaborate with top companies in the Web3, blockchain, and digital payment ecosystems. This partnership enhances your learning experience by providing exclusive networking opportunities with industry leaders and innovators. You'll have the chance to engage with professionals from leading firms, expanding your network and opening doors to potential career opportunities.

Expand Your Network Globally

Join a community of like-minded professionals from around the world. Our courses include access to exclusive student groups where you can connect, collaborate, and share insights with peers. This global network not only enhances your learning experience but also provides valuable opportunities to build relationships and explore new career paths in the international Web3 and blockchain arenas.

“I was able to land my first web3 legal role during our practicum of ByteBao's course."

Kelly Olsen, CA

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Image by Bram Naus

Ready to upskill?

Training the Future's Lawyers in Tech

The legal industry is undergoing a revolution with the advent of Web3 and blockchain technology. As these technologies reshape the landscape, legal professionals must stay ahead of the curve to remain competitive and provide the best possible service to their clients.

Discover the explosive growth and lucrative potential of the blockchain and Web3 industries for legal professionals. Learn how staying ahead in these rapidly evolving fields can significantly enhance your career and earnings.

Increase in billable hours for tech-integrated firms



Financial services market share attributed to blockchain technology

$826 Billion 

The projected size of the blockchain technology market in 2032.

Pre-launch Sale

Get 15%Off

*Offer ends July 30, 2024

Program Details


Find one that works for you

  • Professional

    Every month
    1 seat
    Valid for 12 months
    • Full Access to the Barely Blockchain courses
    • Web3 Legal Clinic
    • Access to Job Opportunities
  • Best Value


    Every month
    1 Seat
    Valid for 12 months
    • All Professional Benefits
    • One-on-one mentorship
    • Career & Business Development Coaching
  • Enterprise Program

    Every month
    Up to 5 seats
    Valid for 12 months
    • All Expert Benefits
    • Partnership Opportunities
    • 15% Corporate Training Discount
  • Enterprise (Single Payment)

    Save 20% with a one time payment
    Valid for 12 months
    • Expert (Single Payment)

      Save 20% with a one time payment
      Valid for 12 months

      Discounts and promotions do not apply to installment plans. After reviewing course materials, installment plans cannot be canceled.

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