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Explore the future of law and technology with Jamilia Grier.


Expert insights from around the world

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About the Host

Jamilia Grier

Jamilia Grier is the founder and CEO of ByteBao, an innovative edtech legal consulting company specializing in Web3. With a rich background as a regulatory lawyer and a passion for emerging technologies, Jamilia brings unparalleled expertise and a forward-thinking approach to the podcast. Her journey from the legal field to the forefront of Web3 offers listeners unique insights and actionable advice for navigating this dynamic space.

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I launched a comedy club in the metaverse! Here's what I learned - Interview with Aaron Haber

I launched a comedy club in the metaverse! Here's what I learned - Interview with Aaron Haber

Join us in this captivating interview with Aaron Haber, the innovative mind behind the Below Bored Comedy Club, a groundbreaking venture in the metaverse under the umbrella of the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) universe. ๐ŸŽค About Aaron Haber: Aaron Haber, a former comedian with a rich history in stand-up comedy, has taken his passion for humor and creativity to new heights. Transitioning from traditional stages to the digital realm, Aaron has established himself as a pioneer in the metaverse entertainment scene. His journey from a live comedy performer to a digital innovator is not just inspiring but also a testament to how humor can transcend mediums and eras. ๐ŸŒ Inside the Below Bored Comedy Club: The Below Bored Comedy Club is more than just a virtual space for laughs; it's a community where the boundaries of comedy are constantly being pushed. In this exclusive interview, Aaron shares his vision for the club, the challenges, and triumphs of creating a comedy hub in the metaverse, and how he's leveraging the unique aspects of the BAYC ecosystem to offer an unparalleled comedic experience. ๐Ÿค– The Intersection of Comedy and Technology: Discover how Aaron Haber is blending his comedic talent with cutting-edge technology to create a new form of entertainment. Learn about the opportunities and challenges of performing and hosting comedy in a virtual world, and how this platform is shaping the future of entertainment. ๐Ÿ’ก A Glimpse into the Future: Aaron also gives us a glimpse into the future plans for the Below Bored Comedy Club, discussing upcoming events, potential collaborations, and how he envisions the evolution of comedy in the digital age. ๐Ÿ”— Connect with Below Bored Comedy Club: Stay updated with the latest from Aaron and the Below Bored Comedy Club by following @belowbored on Twitter. ๐Ÿ‘ Like, Share, and Subscribe: If you're fascinated by the intersection of comedy, technology, and the metaverse, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more insightful interviews and content! 00:00 Introduction 19:56 how to improve user experience 25:13 Protecting users in the metaverse
The Future of Programmable Money: Unlocking Blockchain's Potential

The Future of Programmable Money: Unlocking Blockchain's Potential

In this insightful episode of the "Barely Legal in Web3" podcast, we sit down with Samson Leo, Chief Legal Officer of Fazz, to explore the revolutionary concept of programmable money and its potential to transform financial transactions. ๐ŸŒŸ Episode Highlights: Introduction to Programmable Money: Samson explains how programmable money can offer alternatives to traditional currencies, particularly in the Southeast Asia region. He shares insights from trials conducted with MAS, Grab, and Temasek during the Singapore Fintech Festival, showcasing the use of programmable money with XSGD tokens and smart contracts. Use Cases and Benefits: Discover the practical applications of programmable money, from automating payments with specific conditions to enhancing security and transparency in financial transactions. Samson illustrates how this technology can simplify processes that currently require escrow agents or complex banking instructions. Project Orchid: Learn about Project Orchid, a collaboration between Fazz, Grab, and Temasek, demonstrating the programmability and interoperability of money using blockchain technology. Samson details how smart contracts can be used to enforce conditions on tokens, ensuring secure and programmable transactions. Real-World Applications: From babysitting payments to integrating with IoT devices, Samson shares fascinating examples of how programmable money can be applied in everyday scenarios, offering unprecedented convenience and security. Future of Financial Models: Ruben wraps up the discussion by sharing his vision for the future of financial models, emphasizing the importance of usability and trust in decentralized technologies. He highlights the generational shift towards distrust of centralized financial institutions and the growing relevance of open blockchain technology. Key Takeaways: The advantages of using blockchain for programmable money and how it can offer more secure and automated financial transactions. How smart contracts can simplify complex financial processes and provide programmable conditions for money transfers. The importance of interoperability and how open blockchain technology can bridge different financial ecosystems. Insights into the future of finance and the role of decentralized technologies in creating a more resilient and transparent financial system. Connect with Us: Host: Jamilia Grier Guest: Samson Leo, Chief Legal Officer of Fazz Donโ€™t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more episodes of "Barely Legal in Web3," where we dive deep into the latest trends and innovations in the world of blockchain and decentralized finance. Follow Us on Social Media: Instagram: @jamiliagrier LinkedIn: jamiliagrier Twitter: jamiliagrier Listen to Our Podcast: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: #Web3 #Blockchain #ProgrammableMoney #Finance #Crypto #Fintech #BarelyLegalInWeb3 #JamiliaGrier #SamsonLeo #Fazz #DecentralizedFinance
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